Previous Conferences

About Previous Conferences ACISE

7th ACISEwas an international conference which held online due to Covid-19 Pandemic at 2020. The Theme of 7th ACISE wasBig Data Analytics: A competitice Tool towards Smart Industrial System”. 7th ACISE was a joint conference with 2nd.

6th ACISEwas an international conference that held in Semarang, Central Java at 2019. The theme of 6th ACISE wasRisk Engineering in Industry 4.0: Protecting and Creating Value in Industrial and System Engineering”. 6th ACISE was a joint conference with 1st International Conference on Risk Management as an Interdisciplinary Approach 2019 (1st ICRMIA 2019).

5th ACISEwas an International Conference held in Yogyakarta at 2018. The theme of 5th ACISE was “Strengthening Industry and Engineering, Science, and Management Education through Standardization Learning”. 5th ACISE was a joint conference with The International Cooperation for Education about Standardization (ICES).

4th ACISE – was a national conference that held in Semarang Central Java at 2017. The theme of 4th ACISE was “ The Role of Industrial Engineering Discipline in The Application of INDUSTRY 4.0”

3rd ACISE was held at 2016 in Solo Central Java and it was an International Conference. The theme of the 3rd ACISE was “Commercialization of Renewable Energy“. 3rd ACISE was a joint conference with The international Conference of Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical Engineering (ICIMECE).

2nd ACISE was a national conference held in Semarang at 2015. The theme of 2nd ACISE was “Pengembangan Infrastruktur Mutu Nasional untuk Meningkatkan Daya Saing Produk Barang dan Jasa”

1st ACISE – was a national conference held in Semarang Central Java at 2014. The theme of 1st ACISE was “Supply Chain Management dalam Pengelolaan Energi Nasional Menuju Industri yang Berdaya Saing”